How long does a cat live?

Cuánto tiempo vive un gato

How long a cat lives, If you are an animal lover, it is normal for you to ask yourself this type of question, although the answer is not simple, since it depends on several factors, such as breed, food and care received, we can make an approximation. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about the life expectancy of cats.

The average life expectancy of cats

In general, the average life expectancy of a cat is estimated to be 12 to 15 years. However, many cats can live longer than that, even into their 20s or beyond. On the other hand, some cats may have a shorter lifespan due to illness or accidents.

Factors that influence how long a cat lives

A cat’s life expectancy can be influenced by several factors, such as genetics, feeding and the care it receives. Here’s more about these factors:

Genetics: Just like in humans, genetics plays an important role in the hope of how long a cat lives. Some cat breeds have a longer life expectancy than others, so it’s important to know your cat’s breed to get an idea of how long it can live.

Food: Food is another important factor that influences the life expectancy of cats. A balanced, nutritious diet can help keep your cat healthy and strong, which can increase their life expectancy.

Veterinary care: Veterinary care is essential to maintaining your cat’s health. Regular visits to the vet can help detect diseases and treat them early, which can prolong your cat’s life.

Exercise: Exercise is important for keeping cats healthy and fit. Playing with your cat and providing toys and a space to climb and play can help keep them active and healthy, which can increase their life expectancy.

Prolong the time a cat lives, tips

If you want to help your cat live longer and keep him healthy, there are a few things you can do. Here are some tips:

Provide a balanced and nutritious diet: Food is essential to keep your cat healthy. Be sure to provide a balanced, nutritious diet, and avoid foods that may be harmful to their health.

Schedule regular vet visits: Taking your cat to the vet regularly can help detect and treat any illnesses early, which can prolong their life. In addition, your vet can provide you with advice on how to properly care for your cat.

Keep your cat active: Cats need exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy. Providing toys, a space to climb and play, and making time to play with him can help him stay active and healthy.

Provide a safe environment: Be sure to provide a safe environment for your cat, especially if you have a cat that lives outdoors. Prevents you from having access to toxic substances, hazardous areas or situations that may put your health and safety at risk.


In summary, the life expectancy of a cat depends on several factors, such as genetics, food and the care it receives. Providing a balanced, nutritious diet, taking your cat to the vet regularly, keeping them active, and providing them with a safe environment are some of the steps you can take to help your cat live longer and keep them healthy. Always remember that every cat is unique and may have different needs, so it’s important to pay attention to the cues your cat gives you and adapt their care accordingly.

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