“Reeker” is a horror thriller film directed by Dave Payne and released in 2005. The plot follows a group of young people heading to an unknown destination in the California desert. While traveling down a lonely road, they encounter a strange stinking smell and soon discover that they are being chased by a mysterious figure emanating that smell.

As the group attempts to uncover the truth behind the terrifying presence haunting them, they become caught up in a series of supernatural and violent events. As the story unfolds, the dark secrets and ties between the characters are revealed, and the identity of the mysterious pursuer, known as “Reeker,” is unraveled.


“Reeker” stands out for its tense and disturbing atmosphere, with well-constructed suspense scenes and some doses of graphic violence. Although not a widely known film, it manages to keep the viewer’s interest thanks to its intriguing premise and focus on creating a constant sense of unease.

If you like horror movies with unexpected twists and an unsettling atmosphere, “Reeker” could be an interesting option for you. However, keep in mind that it contains some graphic and disturbing scenes, so it is recommended for an adult audience that enjoys this film genre.

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