The Awakening of Darkness


It was a night of eerie calm when NASA scientists, in their tireless search for the secrets of the universe, made a discovery that would forever change human history. As they scoured deep space for signs of extraterrestrial life, their instruments picked up something they had never imagined: a wormhole, a darkness-filled portal that opened close to Earth.

The Arrival of the Unknown

The wormhole was like a wound in the fabric of space-time, a door that connected our world to an unknown and terrifying place. What no one knew at the time was that this dark gate was not a mere cosmic accident, but the gateway for grotesque and malevolent creatures that had lurked in the shadows of the universe, patiently waiting for their chance to invade Earth.

The First Attack

It wasn’t long before the space creatures came out of the wormhole. Their appearance was haunting: twisted, grotesque bodies, with twisting tentacles and eyes shining with unspeakable malice. His intention was clear: to conquer Earth and subdue humanity.


Chaos Breaks Loose

The first cities to fall were those closest to the site of the wormhole’s appearance. New York, London, Tokyo and many other world capitals became battlefields. Space creatures pounced on the population, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever they went. The human resistance was brave, but the forces of darkness were overwhelming.

Despair and Flight

As the number of dead and wounded piled up, despair gripped humanity. Some tried to flee for shelter in remote locations, while others banded together to fight the invading creatures. The devastation spread like a plague, and the Earth became a nightmarish landscape.

The Only Hope and the Mysterious Wormhole Guarded

Amid the devastation, a rumor emerged that offered faint hope. The space creatures were said to have left a guarded wormhole, a portal that led to a safe place away from Earth. Humanity clung to this hope as if it were a lifeline in a sea of despair.


The Quest for Salvation

The brave survivors united in groups determined to find that wormhole. They risked their lives in search of clues and traces that would lead them to the exact location of the guarded portal. With each passing day, space creatures became more relentless in their quest to exterminate humans, increasing the urgency to find their way out.

The Desperate Journey

After weeks of searching, they finally found the wormhole guarded. He was hidden deep in an underground cavern, a dark and sinister place that was full of deadly traps. Although the space creatures seemed to protect him, the survivors were willing to do anything to escape the nightmare that had been unleashed on Earth.

The Desperate Attempt

With their hearts pounding, a group of survivors bravely ventured into the guarded wormhole. They faced countless obstacles and dangers in their path, but they were determined to reach the safety they had been promised. Each step they took brought them closer to the portal that could be their only salvation.

The Unexpected Betrayal

When they finally reached the wormhole, the space creatures were revealed as treacherous beings. Instead of allowing them safe passage, they ferociously attacked the survivors. It was a heartbreaking betrayal that left many wounded and others dead on the floor of the dark cavern.


The Fall of the Last Hope

Hope was dashed when survivors realized the guarded wormhole was inaccessible. Space creatures had demonstrated their cunning and desire to annihilate humanity. With no way to escape, the survivors felt trapped in an endless nightmare.

The Reign of Darkness

With the last hope shattered, humanity fell prey to space creatures. Cities became ruins, and fields became cemeteries. The creatures showed no mercy, and Earth plunged into an era of relentless extermination. Civilization as it was known disappeared into the abyss of darkness.

The Terrifying Lesson

Human history became a grim warning to future civilizations in the universe. The wormhole had been a death trap, a bait to lure Earth to its doom. In addition, the grotesque space creatures had won, and humanity had been exterminated.

The End Without Witnesses

Planet Earth, once bustling and teeming with life, was plunged into eternal silence. The space creatures retreated into the shadows of space, satisfied with their victory. The wormhole closed, leaving only the echo of a horror story that would never be told.

What had led space creatures to emerge from the wormhole and destroy humanity? What was its true purpose? The answers were buried along with the ruins of human civilization, and the universe continued its indifferent expansion, with no witnesses to the tragedy that had occurred on Earth.

Lesson of Darkness

The story of the wormhole and grotesque space creatures became a horror legend that endured through the ages. It served as a terrifying reminder that, in the vast and mysterious universe, humanity was just a small, vulnerable spark of life, susceptible to being devoured by shadows beyond our understanding.

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