Armed Command Breaks into Miguel Bosé Residence in Mexico, advances

Miguel Bosé

In an unexpected turn of events, renowned Spanish singer Miguel Bosé experienced a security incident in Mexico City. On the night of Friday, August 18, an armed group composed of 10 individuals entered his home, located in the prestigious Rancho San Francisco subdivision, in the Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office. At the entrance door of this exclusive residential area there is a sign indicating the presence of armed personnel and private security.

Hours of Tension and Precisely Planned Robbery

The singer took to his Instagram account to recount the events that were triggered. Over a two-hour period, he, his children and the staff of the house were tied up by the intruders. The criminals executed their plan meticulously, taking with them valuables, including the artist’s car. Bosé described the situation as highly planned and executed with precision.

Courage in the Midst of Adversity

Despite the chilling experience, Bosé praised the bravery and admiration shown by his children during the incident. He stated that all were in good emotional and physical health. This determination and resilience lead him to maintain his residence in Mexico, a country to which he moved after leaving his native Spain.

Miguel Bosé

Call to Action by the Community and Authorities

News of the incident spread quickly through social media. Despite this, until 74 hours after the events, neither Miguel Bosé nor the administration of the subdivision had filed an official complaint with the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX). Given this situation, a call was made to both the singer and the authorities of the subdivision to file the corresponding complaint.

Ongoing Research

The capital prosecutor’s office reported that, due to the public dissemination of the incident, an official investigation into the case was initiated. However, it was highlighted that previous attempts by the prosecutor’s office and the police to access the subdivision were met with obstacles, since the agents were not allowed access. Even the administrator of the residential complex indicated that Bosé was not at home and did not wish to give interviews on the matter.

Miguel Bosé

Security Background and Possible Leads

Sources consulted revealed that the Secretariat of Citizen Security found difficulties in accessing the area. Police reports indicate that the company in charge of security in the area is Aviv S.A. de C.V., supported by Cusaem personnel. It is mentioned that each house has escorts, and this is not the first time that a robbery has been recorded in the area. A similar incident occurred on September 10, 2020, leading to internal measures to strengthen the security of the subdivision.

Research Development and Possible Advancement

Recently, it was reported that the Suburban truck with characteristics similar to the stolen vehicle was located in the Periodistas neighborhood of the Miguel Hidalgo mayor’s office. Experts and investigation agents are analyzing images from video surveillance cameras in the area where the vehicle was found. This van was handed over to the competent authorities, waiting for Miguel Bosé to come forward to confirm his ownership.

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