Could Biden complete a second term? Trump on the prowl

second term

Confidence in Joe Biden’s ability to serve a second term as U.S. president is slim, according to the results of a recent CBS News poll. Join us as we explore the data and insights behind this trend.

Opinions divided on a second term

The CBS News poll reveals that only 34% of registered American voters believe Joe Biden would make it to the end of a second term if he were re-elected in the next election. 44% of respondents think they would resign before 2029, while 22% are undecided about it.

Comparison with Donald Trump

It is interesting to note that, compared to his potential rival, Donald Trump, the perception is different. 55% of voters surveyed believe Trump would serve a second term, in contrast to 16% who think he would retire early, and 29% who have no clear opinion on the matter.

Age and mental capacity in question

Both candidates have defended their advanced age as unproblematic. Biden has mentioned that age brings him wisdom, while Trump has attributed his longevity to family genetics. However, the survey shows that the main concern is not age, but ability to hold office.

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Mental health concerns

The mental and cognitive health of candidates is also an issue of concern for voters. Only 26% of respondents believe Biden has the mental health necessary for the job, while 44% think the same of Trump. Approximately 23% do not believe either is up to the task.

Persistent trends in surveys

These concerns are not unique to the CBS News poll. Previous surveys have also reflected similar concerns. For example, a Wall Street Journal poll in August found that 73% of voters believe Biden is too old to be president and 60% doubt his mental capacity for work.

second term

A balanced outlook for 2024

Despite these concerns, most polls place Biden and Trump in a tight race more than a year before the 2024 election. According to the CBS poll, Trump leads Biden by a single percentage point, 50% to 49%, and 1% undecided.

In short, public opinion about Biden’s ability to complete a second term is skeptical, and concerns about his mental and cognitive health are evident in various polls. However, the political scenario remains uncertain, and the 2024 presidential race is presented as a close contest.

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